Honor Code
This work is solely the result of my own effort. I have neither given nor received any unacknowledged assistance. I have also neither seen nor am aware of any honor violations on this assignment.
Students of Houston High School work hard to uphold the Mustang honor code. Honor code is taken seriously at Houston as we want the best for every one of our students. As we encourage students to continue their academic pursuits, we want to ensure that they are striving for their best. If a student is struggling, we have many resources in place to help them throughout their academic career at Houston. Details of protocol for breaking honor code can be seen below.
First Offense:
If a student is caught cheating on a quiz, test, exam, paper, project, lab report, or other significant assignment:
- Work and any associated evidence are collected.
- Resubmissions/Retests are offered to all students who receive an infraction in order for them to demonstrate mastery.
- Upon resubmission/retesting the student will receive a 30% reduction on their grade for the assignment and a notation in Skyward entered for that assignment. Further points may be taken if the quality of the work does not meet expectations. If the student fails to resubmit or retest, the grade will be a zero.
- Teacher meets with the student and notifies parents.
- Signed Honor Code Violation Form is submitted to the grade level administrator and entered in the discipline log of Skyward.
- Grade level administrator will meet with the student.
- In the academic year of the offense, students will not be able to join honor societies. Current members of honor societies will be placed on probation. One honor code infraction will NOT impact eligibility for honors societies in academic years after the offense.
- Any subsequent infractions are counted as second offenses, no matter which class period the infraction occurs.
Decorative Rule
Second Offense and Beyond:
- Work and any associated evidence are collected.
- Resubmissions/Retests are offered to all students who receive an infraction in order for them to demonstrate mastery.
- Upon resubmission/retesting the student will receive a 50% reduction on their grade for the assignment and a notation in Skyward entered for that assignment. Further points may be taken if the quality of the work does not meet expectations. If the student fails to resubmit or retest, the grade will be a zero.
- Teacher meets with the student and notifies parents.
- Signed Honor Code Violation Form is submitted to the grade level administrator and entered in the discipline log of Skyward.
- Grade level administrator will meet with the student
- Upon a second offense, the student will be denied membership of any current or future applications into honors societies, and existing membership in honors societies or Honors Academy will be revoked and seniors will not be allowed to wear honor cords or stoles at graduation.