Title 1 Information
Title I Information
Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Act is the largest federal program in K-12 education. The primary objective of Title I is to assist local education agencies in providing supplemental instructional services for students. To receive Title I funds, states and districts must establish academic standards, a system of assessments, teacher quality requirements, and continual improvement plans.
Dr. Ted Fuller
Dr. Ted Fuller is the Title I Coordinator for GMSD, and his primary role includes helping schools with Title I planning, budgeting, and completing the required federal and state paperwork.
Candace Plaisance
Ms. Plaisance is the Title I contact for Houston High School, and she act as a Title I liaison, working alongside Dr. Fuller, to facilitate purchase requests for HHS, as well as distribute and complete Title I paperwork for HHS.Email Ms. Plaisance
What does Title I offer?
Based on a school’s Needs Assessment and School Plan, Title I funds will provide your child with supplemental educational assistance for a well-rounded education. Title I programs generally offer:
- Academic coaches
- Professional development for school staff
- A variety of evidenced based supplementary teaching programs and methods
- Additional supplemental teaching materials and technology
- Opportunities for parental involvement
Parents can look forward to opportunities to participate in developing a School-Parent Compact, Parent and Family Engagement Policy, and input on the School Wide Plan.
We value your role in working to help your child achieve high academic standards. The following is an outline of some of the ways you and school staff can build and maintain a partnership to share the responsibility for supporting your child’s learning.
Decorative Rule
School Plan for Shared Student Achievement
- What is Title I?
- What is a Parent Engagement Policy?
- How is it created and revised?
- Who is the policy for?
- How will Houston High ensure family involvement in an organized, timely manner during the planning, reviewing, and improvement of Title I programs?
What is Title I?
What is a Parent Engagement Policy?
How is it created and revised?
Who is the policy for?
How will Houston High ensure family involvement in an organized, timely manner during the planning, reviewing, and improvement of Title I programs?
School's Responsibility
- Provide high-quality curriculum and learning materials to help children achieve rigorous academic standards
- Provide a safe and supportive learning environment
- Provide you with assistance in understanding academic achievement standards and assessments and how to monitor your child’s progress
- Provide opportunities for ongoing communication between you and teachers through, at a minimum:
- Annual parent-teacher conferences
- Frequent reporting regarding your child’s progress
- Maintaining updated grades in Skyward
- Houston Happenings emails (our home-school communication tool)
- Schoology calendars
- Opportunities to talk to staff and schedule parent conferences
Parent's Responsibility
- Encourage your child to attend school regularly
- Encourage your child to show positive school behavior
- Review your child’s homework and graded assignments
- Monitor screen time and encourage positive use of your child’s extracurricular time
- Volunteer in your child’s school or classroom if time or schedule permits
- Attend parent-teacher conferences and participate, when appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of your child
Student's Responsibility
- Talk with my family about what I am learning at school
- Inform parents and teachers when I need help academically, socially, or emotionally
- Seek academic tutoring during FLEX and before or after school hours
- Come to school prepared and ready to learn