Exploring law enforcement careers: HHS students visit Germantown Police Department

Students of Houston High School had the opportunity to explore careers in law enforcement last week. Under the new LG Future Leaders program, a special partnership between Leadership Germantown and GMSD, several students had the unique opportunity to engage with professionals at the Germantown Police Department. This visit was not just an excursion but an immersive experience into the world of police work.

The day was filled with learning and exploration, as students interacted with GPD officers and detectives. They delved into various aspects of law enforcement, including mock-investigations, the use of drones, virtual reality weapons training, and crisis management. Such hands-on exposure offered them a realistic glimpse into the day-to-day responsibilities and challenges faced in the field of law enforcement.

Special recognition goes to Captain Ben Sharp and Lieutenant Richard Severs for their invaluable contribution to this amazing field trip. Their efforts, along with those of other GPD members, provided a rich learning experience, truly impacting our 'Future Leaders'.

The LG Future Leaders program connects students with Leadership Germantown alumni, district, and city officials, opening doors to diverse career pathways.