Mabry Pegg is named December's BankTennessee Scholar of the Month

January 2024 - Mabry Pegg has been named December's BankTennessee Scholar of the Month! Her dedicaitono to academic excellence is evident in her impressive accomplishment of completing two Early Post-Secondary Opportunities (EPSO) last year in U.S. History and Oral Communication, and two more this year in English 12 and Work-Based Learning. By graduation this May, she will have earned an astounding 18 college credit hours, surpassing a typical semester in college. This achievement not only reflects her intellectual prowess but also positions her for remarkable post-secondary success. Beyond her academic accolades, Mabry is known for her unwavering commitment to excellence in every endeavor. She maintains a stellar grade point average and approaches each assignment with a level of diligence that goes well beyond the norm, inspiring her peers with her genuine passion for learning and intellectual curiosity. Her active participation in extracurricular activities and clubs, coupled with her efforts to positively impact the school community, further demonstrate her well-rounded character. The BankTennessee Scholar of the Month is awarded to one GMSD senior each month.