Career Technology Education » Applied Technology

Applied Technology

The Applied Technology Cluster includes courses in Mechatronics, STEM, Coding, Cybersecurity, and Networking. 


The Applied Tech cluster in high school encompasses a diverse range of courses designed to equip students with practical skills and knowledge in various technological fields. Mechatronics integrates mechanical engineering, electronics, and computer science to enable students to design and construct complex automated systems. This fosters creativity and problem-solving abilities while preparing them for careers in robotics and automation. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is another comprehensive program that encourages critical thinking and hands-on learning. Students in this course engage in a wide array of scientific experiments, engineering projects, and mathematical analyses, providing a strong foundation for careers in fields like engineering, research, and data analysis.


Additionally, the Applied Tech cluster includes courses in Coding, Cybersecurity, and Networking, all of which empower students with essential digital skills. Coding enhances their ability to program and develop software applications, preparing them for careers in software development and app design. Cybersecurity equips students with the knowledge and tools to protect digital assets and networks, preparing them for roles in safeguarding information in an increasingly digital world. Networking introduces students to the fundamentals of connecting and managing computer systems. This course offers valuable skills for careers in IT infrastructure management and network administration. These courses collectively prepare students for the ever-evolving technology landscape, offering diverse opportunities in technology-related fields.