Career Technology Education » Cybersecurity


These high school cybersecurity courses offer a comprehensive education in the field, preparing students for the dynamic digital landscape.
Cybersecurity I introduces basic concepts, emphasizing security integration, ethical practices, and device application, covering network security, policy enforcement, and information safeguarding, and is open to grades 10 through 12 with no prerequisites.
Building on this foundation, Cybersecurity II advances skills by exploring malware threats, cryptography, and wireless technologies, with successful completion of Cybersecurity I as a prerequisite, catering to grades 11 and 12.
For ambitious students, the Cybersecurity Dual Enrollment program, in partnership with the University of Tennessee at Martin, introduces college-level cybersecurity literacy (CSCI 115) in high school, with prerequisites including Cybersecurity I and II completion, admission to UTM through the HHS Dual Enrollment Coordinator, and a minimum unweighted GPA of 3.0, offering an accelerated pathway to success in this critical field.